Accessibility declaration

Home page > Accessibility

The Internet presentation is made with an effort to be reached maximal accessibility of its content. It meets all-important principles of accessibility according to the method Blind Friendly Web (project United organization of purblind and blinds) amendment Nr. 365/2000 Code and WCAG 1.0.

The entire texts are defined in relative units and cannot be simply increased and decreased with the assistance of standard implements of Internet browsers.

HTML documents are made of structural XHTML 1.0 Strict. For the visual presentation is being used the concatenated styles (CSS). The concatenated styles can be switched off with the aid of link Switch off CCS (the styles can be switched on again). This function requires permitted cookies in the browser.

The following shortcuts are being used for the most important navigation elements of this Web (access keys):

[alt + 0] - accessibility declaration
[alt + 1] - introductory page
[alt + 2] - contacts
[alt + 5] - server map

Anawe has created the pattern and CCS code.( - Everything for your Internet presentation).

In case you don’t find at these pages anything that doesn’t meet the requirements of accessibility, please inform us, and we will take steps to do away with deficiencies.

Vytvořilo Anawe

Garant programu:
Mgr. Hanka Dvorská - 777 776 426
Ing. Martin Gabla - 777 062 699

Přihlášky a rezervace:
777 062 699
nebo v přihlašovacím formuláři